Sunday, January 4, 2009

Phoenix Bodies - Raise the Bullshit Flag

Captain Guyliner here, back again to keep you up on all the freshest trends...

so it's 2009, the holidays are behind us, everyone's awash in the glowing positivity that comes with the new year... but let's not forget the simple truth: shit sucks. no matter how good it gets, there's always something waiting in the hedges to give you a swift kick in the groceries and send you home wishing painful slow death upon your enemies.

what i'm doing by introducing you to Phoenix Bodies is basically enabling you to beat the bullshit to the punch. so the next time your boss clips you with a surprise weekend shift, or some sporto with a popped collar calls you a dirty word, you can put on your headphones, close your eyes, fire up this motherfucker, and picture yourself firing a gatling gun into traffic, Jesse Ventura style.

you'll feel better... i promise.


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